Close more deals, faster with automation

Trusted by 4,000+ HubSpot users
Export LinkedIn Sales Navigator search to HubSpot

Tame your pipeline

Eliminate manual contact creation; use Hublead to import contacts and companies from LinkedIn or Sales Navigator, directly from profiles or searches.

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Sync LinkedIn invitations to HubSpot

No opportunity left behind

LinkedIn can get messy, and it's where opportunities can slip through the cracks. Reduce the risk by logging your activities automatically in HubSpot—using our extension while prospecting on LinkedIn or Sales Navigator.

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reporting illustration

Let your reps do what they do best

Keep your sales team focused on what they're best at: selling. Hublead handles admin work like activities updates and accurate reports in HubSpot—that way, your reps can keep their eye on the prize and close more deals.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I import LinkedIn connections to HubSpot?
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You can import LinkedIn connections to HubSpot by exporting your LinkedIn connections as a CSV file or by using a Chrome extension like Hublead, which helps you directly import your LinkedIn connections and update your HubSpot contact list automatically.