The best 23 HubSpot Tips and Tricks in 2024!

Bastien Paul
Bastien Paul
March 25, 2024

Dive into best practices, a treasure trove of HubSpot tips ranging from workflows to automation, and essentials like landing pages, integrations, lead scoring, smart content, and even some free templates to get you started!

Having spent years using HubSpot CRM, I'm here to share tricks I discovered.

1. Use LinkedIn Integrations

Integrations come in various forms, enhancing your user experience and streamlining processes


Here's a deeper dive into some of them:

  1. Native Integration with Sales Navigator: This is a direct integration offered by HubSpot itself. It seamlessly connects your HubSpot CRM with LinkedIn's Sales Navigator, allowing for an integrated prospecting experience and enabling users to harness the power of both platforms without constant switching.
  2. Sales Navigator and LinkedIn via Hublead: Hublead is a Chrome plugin designed to bolster your LinkedIn experience. Not only does it allow you to import contacts from LinkedIn directly into HubSpot, but it also facilitates the synchronization of your LinkedIn message to HubSpot. This means that every interaction on LinkedIn can be seamlessly recorded in HubSpot, ensuring that you never miss out on crucial communication details.

2: Simplify Sales Process with Snippets

These are concise, pre-written phrases that you can seamlessly embed into emails or chats using a simple "#" command. Be it a generic greeting, details on pricing, or a contract inquiry, snippets maintain the personal touch in your communication, all while conserving your precious time.

You can find snippets in "Conversations" > "Snippets"


One of the first snippets I'd recommend setting up or ensuring is current is the sales discovery snippet for inbound leads. It's essential for sales teams to have a structure to:

  • Ensure no key questions are missed.
  • Aid in noting down crucial information in HubSpot for subsequent meetings and effective follow-ups.
  • Ultimately, seal more deals.

There are various sales frameworks out there, like SPIN Selling, BANT, MEDDIC, ANUM, and more. I'm particularly fond of the SPIN framework; it's both straightforward and impactful. Here's a glimpse into the snippets you can craft based on this.

HubSpot snippet on spin selling

3: HubSpot Tips for Workflows

Workflows are more than just automation; they're the backbone of efficient inbound marketing, you can find them in "Automation" > "Workflows"


But are you leveraging them to their full potential? Start by segmenting your leads based on behavior, ensuring each gets a tailored experience.

Remember, it's not just about sending emails; it's about nurturing relationships. Use external data to qualify inbound leads without bombarding them with form questions.

And here's a golden nugget: integrate lead scoring within your workflows. It's a game-changer, helping prioritize high-value prospects and ensuring your team's efforts are laser-focused. Dive in, refine, and watch your marketing soar.

Expand your workflow horizons by basing them on various HubSpot objects like:

  • Contact
  • Company
  • Deal
  • Service tickets (with Service Hub Professional)
  • Quotation (exclusive to Sales Hub Enterprise)
  • Customer (a feature of Service Hub Professional)
  • Goal
  • Invoice

Workflows are even more powerful thanks to HubSpot integrations such as Google Sheet.

3: HubSpot Lead Scoring tips

HubSpot's lead scoring system isn't just a number game; it's the strategic compass guiding your inbound marketing. To truly harness its power, consider both manual and predictive lead scoring.

While manual scoring requires you to set criteria, predictive lead scoring, powered by machine learning, offers insights based on patterns from your data.

Key properties to monitor include 'Likelihood to close,' indicating a contact's probability of converting within 90 days, and 'Contact priority,' which segments leads into tiers based on their close probability.

You can also develop your own lead scoring by creating a custom score property to qualify your leads.

lead scoring positive and negative criterion options

To figure out if a lead is nearly ready to close, track how they interact with your company.Use a 'Lead Scoring' for this.

And if you're looking to identify the leads—the ones that are the best fit for your business—create a separate 'Fit Scoring' system, check out our HubSpot data enrichment article to gain more company insights.

This helps you see not just who's close to buying, but also who's the right kind of buyer for you.

4: HubSpot CRM's New Capabilities

HubSpot's CRM shines when it comes to inbound marketing, thanks to its robust set of default contact properties that track your marketing efforts.

Here's a tip: Make sure some key properties are set up right:

  • Original Source: This one's crucial. It tells you where your leads first came from by looking at the first page they visited. If there are UTMs (Urchin Tracking Modules) in the URL, HubSpot can tell whether the traffic is organic or paid.
  • Original Source Drill-Downs: The details get even clearer with drill-downs. Drill-down 1 can show you the specific search term from paid searches (that's your utm_term), and drill-down 2 reveals the campaign name (your utm_campaign).

Get your landing pages in line with the right UTMs, and HubSpot does the heavy lifting, automatically fetching this data. This is gold for assessing how well your marketing campaigns are doing, whether it's email, paid ads, or organic reach.

And don't forget, you can whip up custom reports based on contact records to really dig into those campaign performances.

A contact record's Original Source and accompanying Drill Down details will be categorized under one of the following:

HubSpot original source and latest source drill downs

5: Make the most of Integrations

HubSpot's marketplace is like a big mall for your CRM. It's full of apps (1000+ integrations) that can do all sorts of things for your business such as connecting your calendar to HubSpot.

You can find popular apps, new ones, even free ones.

There are special sections for the most useful apps, like ones that help with workflows or syncing data.


If you want to make your HubSpot do more, check out the apps that customize the CRM. There are also top picks from other business leaders and the must-haves for marketers and sales pros.

I would recommend these apps:

  • Hublead
  • Storeleads
  • BuiltWith
  • Apollo

Check out our comprehensive guide on the top HubSpot data enrichment tools to discover the full lineup of powerful integrations available.

6: Marketing Automation with HubSpot

Our strategy hinges on the smart use of HubSpot's workflows, ensuring that each lead receives content that's not just relevant, but also perfectly aligned with their business type.

For example, if a lead from a consulting firm filled a form on your website, our workflow will trigger a series of tailored emails packed with insights and resources specifically for the consulting industry.

This is made possible by leveraging the "Industry" property in HubSpot, which allows for the customization of content based on the lead's sector.


You can also send specific content based on a contact property such as “Date of last meeting booked in meetings tool”. Timing is important, HubSpot gives you the opportunity to have it.


7: Smart Content in HubSpot CMS

A powerful feature that tailors your website's content to the unique characteristics of each visitor. Imagine greeting your visitors with messages, offers, and information that resonate with their specific needs and interests.

Here's how you can leverage Smart Content to create a personalized experience:

  • Visitor Segmentation: Smart Content allows you to segment your audience based on various criteria such as location, lead status, device type, lifecycle stage,  referral source, or even their stage in the customer lifecycle. By identifying these segments, you can craft content that speaks directly to different groups within your audience.
  • Dynamic Content Display: Whether it's a first-time visitor from a particular country or a returning customer, Smart Content dynamically adjusts what they see. This means you can showcase targeted offers, testimonials, or calls-to-action that are most likely to engage and convert that specific user.
  • Integration with HubSpot Lists: Take personalization a step further by integrating Smart Content with your HubSpot contact lists. Display custom content to users based on their list membership, ensuring that your messaging is always relevant to their interests and behaviors.
  • Effortless Management: Managing Smart Content is a breeze within the HubSpot CMS. You can easily add and edit rules directly in the content editor, preview different content variations, and publish changes with just a few clicks.

To use Smart Content you need to be Marketing Hub Professional, Enterprise or CMS Hub Professional, Enterprise.

8: HubSpot’s Social Media Tool

With the ability to bulk upload and schedule up to 300 posts across major platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, HubSpot ensures your social presence is constant and consistent.

Streamline Your Social Strategy: Gone are the days of daily posting drudgery. Prepare a week's worth of content, schedule it in advance, and watch as your social media workflow transforms from reactive to proactive.

Scheduling Made Simple: Download HubSpot's easy-to-use template, populate it with your content, and upload it back into the system. Your posts are now queued up and ready to roll out according to your tailored schedule.

Fine-Tune on the Fly: After uploading, use the 'Uploaded' tab to review and refine your posts. This final checkpoint ensures that your content is polished and primed for engagement.

Incorporate HubSpot's Social Media Tool into your digital strategy to unlock a new level of social media marketing prowess. It's not just a tool; it's your partner in building a robust online community.

9: Personas in HubSpot Forms

By integrating personas into your forms, you can gather critical information that tailors your marketing efforts to different segments of your audience. Here's how to leverage this feature:

  • Creating Persona-Based Forms: Start by navigating to Marketing > Lead Capture > Forms in your HubSpot account. Choose a template or start from scratch to create a form that includes fields relevant to your personas, such as industry, company size, or specific challenges.
  • Customizing for Relevance: Use the form editor to add and edit fields that resonate with your personas. For instance, if you're targeting marketing professionals, include options like 'marketing goals' or 'preferred content types'.
  • Intelligent Field Management: HubSpot forms allow for advanced customization, such as progressive fields that evolve based on previous submissions, ensuring that repeat visitors are always presented with fresh, relevant fields.
  • Automation and Follow-Up: Once your persona-based form is live, use HubSpot's automation tools to segment respondents accordingly and trigger personalized email campaigns or content recommendations.

By incorporating personas into your HubSpot forms, you can ensure that every interaction with your leads is informed and intentional, paving the way for more engaging and successful marketing campaigns.

10: HubSpot's Task Queues

Streamline your day with HubSpot's Task Queues, your personal assistant for productivity. Here's how to make the most of this feature:

  • Organize Your To-Dos: Within HubSpot, navigate to Sales > Tasks, and start organizing your tasks into queues. This can be done based on priority, type of task, or the stage in the sales process they support.
  • Efficient Workflow: Task queues allow you to work through your tasks without the distraction of deciding what to do next. Simply start at the top and work your way down, knowing that you're tackling tasks in the order you've predetermined.
  • Customization for Success: Customize each queue to fit your workflow. Whether it's follow-up calls, emails, or proposal reviews, set up your queues to match your daily routine.
  • Seamless Integration: HubSpot's Task Queues integrate with your calendar and email, enabling you to execute tasks with context and history at your fingertips. This ensures a personalized approach to each task.

By effectively using Task Queues, you can ensure a more productive day with a clear focus on the tasks that drive sales forward, all within the HubSpot ecosystem.

11: Landing Pages that Convert

Creating compelling landing pages in HubSpot is a breeze, but it's not just about aesthetics; it's about conversion. Start by selecting the right template. HubSpot offers a variety of templates, including Starter templates for those who prefer drag-and-drop simplicity, Theme templates that come with unique modules and customizable styling, and Custom templates for those who want complete control over their design.

Once you've chosen your template, it's time to customize. Ensure your landing page has a catchy page title and a clear, concise URL. Use the meta description to summarize your offer compellingly — this is what will entice users to click through from search results.

Don't forget to set a featured image that represents the content of your landing page; this image will be displayed when your page is shared on social media, contributing to a stronger brand presence.

Remember, the goal is to convert visitors into leads however you also need to track your marketing campaigns effort that is why you need to use native tracking url tool and integrates HubSpot with LinkedIn Ads, Google Ads or Meta Ads.

12: Crafting Impactful CTAs

The call to action (CTA) is the tipping point between bounce and conversion. In HubSpot, creating a CTA that stands out is key to guiding your visitors through the buyer's journey. Start by using action-oriented language that incites enthusiasm and a sense of urgency. Phrases like "Get started," "Learn more," or "Join us today" are more compelling than the passive "Click here."

Customize your CTA's design to make it pop on the page. HubSpot's CTA tool allows you to tailor the color, size, and font to match your brand while still catching the user's eye. But it's not just about looks; placement is crucial. Position your CTAs where they're most likely to be seen and clicked—above the fold, at the end of blog posts, or interspersed within content.

Leverage HubSpot's A/B testing feature to see which CTAs perform best. Test different messages, colors, or placements to understand what resonates with your audience. And don't forget to make your CTAs smart. Personalized CTAs convert 202% better than default versions. Use HubSpot to display different CTAs based on visitor data, ensuring a personalized experience that's more likely to convert.

Remember, your CTA is your virtual salesperson. Make it clear, make it bold, and make it irresistible. With HubSpot's suite of tools, you're equipped to create CTAs that don't just look good—they convert.

13: Navigating SEO Recommendations

SEO isn't just about incorporating keywords. It’s a comprehensive approach to ensure your content is discoverable and ranks high on search engines. HubSpot's built-in SEO tools guide users through optimizing each content piece, offering real-time recommendations. Whether it's suggesting meta descriptions, advising on image alt texts, or offering internal linking opportunities, HubSpot’s SEO toolkit can significantly amplify your content’s visibility. In the evolving realm of search algorithms, having a tool that offers up-to-date advice is invaluable. By consistently applying HubSpot's recommendations, you're better poised to drive organic traffic and reach your target audience.

14: Maximizing Marketing Campaigns

Strategizing, executing, and analyzing marketing campaigns can be cumbersome. HubSpot’s marketing campaign tool consolidates these processes, making campaign management more intuitive. Users can track the performance of every campaign element, from emails to landing pages, in one dashboard. This holistic view allows marketers to quickly gauge what’s working and what isn't, streamlining adjustments and optimizations. By aligning your content, CTAs, and outreach under one campaign umbrella, you can measure collective impact, refine strategies, and drive better ROI in subsequent campaigns.

15: Learn with HubSpot Academy

The digital marketing landscape is perpetually evolving. Staying updated is crucial. HubSpot Academy is a reservoir of knowledge, offering courses, certifications, and tutorials on various subjects. Whether you're a newbie trying to understand inbound marketing or a seasoned marketer exploring advanced strategies, the academy has resources tailored for you. Investing time in these courses not only enriches your skill set but also ensures you leverage the HubSpot platform to its fullest potential.

16: Optimizing HubSpot's Lead Flows

Lead flows, HubSpot's version of pop-up forms, are a tool of finesse. When implemented correctly, they captivate users at the right moment, converting browsing into actionable leads. But this isn't about inundating users with pop-ups.

It's about understanding user behavior and presenting tailored, timely content. Perhaps it's an eBook offer for those reading your blogs or a discount code for long-page stayers. HubSpot's lead flows allow for such tailored interventions, ensuring your capture mechanisms are as efficient as they are user-friendly.

17: Onboarding Partner Agency

Onboarding isn't just about learning the basics; it's about embedding HubSpot's capabilities into your daily business processes. Start by dedicating a week where your team immerses themselves entirely into the platform.

Make use of HubSpot's extensive library of tutorial videos, but don’t stop there. Schedule hands-on sessions where team members can practice setting up campaigns, analyzing data, and simulating customer journeys. Remember, each department—whether it's marketing, sales, or customer service—will interact with HubSpot differently.

Customize the onboarding experience for each team. Arrange for experienced HubSpot users to share their tips and tricks. Their insights can fast-track your team's expertise. Lastly, ensure that you have a feedback session at the end of the onboarding week. This way, any questions or uncertainties can be immediately addressed, setting a solid foundation for your team’s HubSpot journey.

HubSpot's extensive suite of tools can be daunting. Sometimes, external expertise is the key to unlocking its full potential. HubSpot Partner Agencies live and breathe this platform, bringing a wealth of experience and best practices to the table.

If you're facing intricate integrations, complex campaigns, or just feel you aren't getting the most out of HubSpot, it might be time to bring in the experts. These agencies can audit your usage, suggest improvements, and implement strategies to maximize ROI. Think of them as your HubSpot co-pilots, guiding you towards success.

18: HubSpot Sales Meetings Tools

Scheduling meetings can often become a back-and-forth hassle. HubSpot’s Meetings tool simplifies this, allowing prospects or clients to book slots based on your availability. Integrating this tool with your calendar ensures no double bookings or overlaps. By providing a seamless booking experience, you not only save time but also enhance the user experience, making the first interaction with your brand a positive one.

19: Email List Segmentation

HubSpot equips businesses with tools to create GDPR-compliant email subscriptions. Initiate with a crystal-clear opt-in: every form should detail what users are subscribing to - be it newsletters, special offers, or weekly insights. Allow subscribers to choose their content type and frequency, emphasizing user autonomy. With HubSpot, craft diverse subscription categories like 'Product Updates', 'Event Invites', or 'Exclusive Deals'. Ensure that unsubscribing is seamless. A simple one-click process maintains user trust and reduces frustration. Regularly review and refine your approach, always valuing clarity, transparency, and user experience. In essence, with HubSpot, it's not just about compliance; it's about fostering genuine trust.

20: Custom Reporting

Data drives decisions. HubSpot's custom reporting tool ensures that you have access to insights tailored to your specific needs. Instead of generic reports, create dashboards that highlight the metrics most relevant to your goals. Whether it's tracking the performance of a specific campaign, monitoring sales activities, or analyzing website traffic sources, custom reports offer granular insights. By leveraging these tailored insights, teams can make informed decisions that drive growth and enhance ROI.

21: Lifecycle Stage-Based Email Campaigns

Personalization is not just a trend; it's an effective way to increase user engagement and conversion. HubSpot's personalization tokens allow you to insert a contact's personal data into your emails automatically. This could be their first name, company, or any other property you have on them. By doing this, you not only catch their attention but make them feel valued. It's not just about saying "Hello [First Name]"; think creatively! Perhaps reference their last purchase or the webinar they attended. A personalized touch can lead to higher open rates and more effective email campaigns.

One-size-fits-all is a thing of the past. In a digital age, where data is abundant, businesses must ensure their communication is relevant to the recipient. With HubSpot's segmentation tools, you can categorize contacts based on behavior, purchase history, lifecycle stage, and more. This means you can send targeted emails to specific segments, ensuring the content is relevant and timely. This not only increases engagement rates but also leads to more meaningful interactions with your brand.

22: Schedule Social Media Posts

Consistency is key in social media, but manual posting can be time-consuming. HubSpot's social tool streamlines this process, allowing you to batch schedule posts. This ensures a regular brand presence, frees up your time, and allows for strategic planning of content, increasing overall social media effectiveness.

23: Exploit HubSpot's Chatbot Builder

Today's consumer expects immediacy. HubSpot's chatbot feature allows businesses to cater to this, answering queries 24/7. Automating basic inquiries ensures users get instant answers, improving their experience and freeing up your team's time for more complex tasks.

Frequently Asked Questions

What's the advantage of using a HubSpot Partner Agency?

Collaborating with a HubSpot Partner Agency provides specialized insights into the platform. These experts can offer tailored strategies, deeper integrations, and advanced utilization techniques, driving better results and saving you time and resources in the process.

Bastien Paul
Bastien Paul
Bastien is the CRO of Hublead. With over 5 years in marketing and sales, using Hubspot, Bastien has written several studies and marketing guides based on data, many of which are well-known in the industry. Bastien likes to question standard marketing and sales beliefs and aims to make things simpler and more efficient.
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